Section 9 of the Republic Act (RA) No. 11467 mandated the allocation of twenty percent (20%) of the total revenues from the excise tax on alcohol, heated tobacco products (HTPs), and vapor products (vapes) for the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also mandated the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) to determine the specific SDG targets.
In alignment with the government’s commitment to fostering a holistic, strategic, and focused allocation of fiscal resources towards the advancement of the country’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the selection of programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) shall be guided by the Program Convergence Budgeting (PCB) Framework and its Implementation Guidelines on the SDGs, as approved by the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC). This approach underscores the indivisible and interrelated nature of the SDGs, ensuring that investment is directed in a manner that promotes synergistic progress across all goals.
NEDA is now opening the Call for Proposals for the FY 2025 PCB on the SDGs until March 14, 2024, 11:59 PM.
For more detailed information, scroll through the details below. You may reach the SC-SDG Secretariat through email at sdg@neda.gov.ph or visit the SDG Website at sdg.neda.gov.ph for updates and other related news.
- National Government Agencies (NGAs) including their bureaus, attached agencies and instrumentalities;
- Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs); and
- Members of the Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG).
PAPs that are responsive to the intended outcomes of SDG targets and indicators lagging behind, and aligned with the country’s Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 priorities and strategies may qualify for funding, except:
- PAPs of NGAs that fall within the devolved functions and services of the LGUs;
- Existing PAPs of NGAs that are funded under Tier 1 of the General Appropriations Act (GAA); and
- PAPs that are already enrolled in other existing PCBs, funded by development partners, and other government funding.
- General Criteria
- PAPs shall be aligned with the country’s Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028;
- The proposal must be responsive to the intended outcomes of SDG targets and indicators lagging behind based on the recent Pace of Progress by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).
- Project proposals must fall under the following flagship programs:
- Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Program;
- Strengthening of the Local Committee Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children;
- National Anti-Child Marriage Program;
- Infrastructure Regional Development specifically on digitalization for remote areas;
- Implementation of the Integrated Water Resource Management Plan;
- Reducing Vulnerability in Disaster-prone areas;
- Creation of Green, Open, and Public Spaces;
- Establish the Defense in the Philippines;
- Modernize Government Processes, Systems and Infrastructure;
- Strengthen Statistical Capacity of Government Offices; and
- Establishment of Local Participatory Governance and Social Reform Mechanisms.
- Proposal submission, evaluation, and approval:
- The processing of project proposals commence only upon submission of complete documents. Incomplete requirements shall be returned to the proponents for completion. All application forms and required documents shall be duly signed by authorized personnel.
- Both originally signed and online copy (signed PDF) of the following forms shall be accomplished and submitted by the proponent to the SC-SDG Secretariat:
- Checklist of Documentary Requirements for PCB on the SDGs
- Endorsement Letter from the Head of Agency
- Certification of Eligibility
- PCB-SDG Project Proposal
- SDG Responsiveness Form
- Project Work and Financial Plan
- Other supporting documents, as deemed necessary.
- Proposals shall be screened and evaluated through the following process:
- Step 1. Determination whether the proposed project falls within the scope of eligible PAPs.
- Step 2. Assessment of Inclusiveness and Sustainability.
- Step 3. Prioritization based on responsiveness to SDGs and geographical areas that are most lagging behind.
- The proposed PAPs must be for implementation starting January 2025.
- Republic Act No. 11467
- PCB Framework for the SDGs
- PCB for the SDGs Lead Agency and Participating Agencies
- Key Flagship Programs under the PCB for SDGs
- Prescribed forms and documentary requirements:
- Checklist of Documentary Requirement Form
- Endorsement Letter from the Head of Agency
- Certification of Eligibility
- PCB-SDG Project Proposal Template
- SDG Responsiveness Form
- Project Work and Financial Plan Form
Frequently asked questions
Through the Program Convergence Budgeting (PCB) Framework for SDGs, the twenty percent (20%) SDG allocations from sin tax revenues shall finance programs, projects, and activities (PAPs) that seeks to accelerate the implementation of SDGs, specifically focusing on SDG targets that require exponential acceleration of progress or reversal of negative trends to achieve the 2030 targets.
Lagging-behind SDGs are determined based on the SDG Pace of Progress by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Further, SDG indicators adopted by the Philippines in its SDG Indicator Framework and/or the Philippine Development Plan also serve as basis for identifying specific areas that need acceleration for each SDG target.
Figure 1. PSA 2022 Pace of Progress on SDGs using the Current Status Index (CSI)
The project proposal shall be duly accomplished by the proposing agency, and duly signed by the Head of implementing entity or agency. For attached agencies, the endorsement letter shall be signed by the Head of the executive agencies they are attached to.
- Submit to DBM their proposed PAPs through Budget Preparation (BP) Form No. 206 for National Government Agencies, and DBM Form No.708 for GOCCs and GFIs, along with BP 202 and other applicable BP forms.
- Furnish the SC-SDG Secretariat copies of submitted forms to the DBM for reference and monitoring purposes.
- Submissions must be addressed to Undersecretary Rosemarie G. Edillon, NEDA Policy and Planning Group, and sent to the SC-SDG Secretariat at sdg@neda.gov.ph.
Upon approval of the DBCC of the list of proposed PAPs, NEDA as the SDG PCB’s lead agency, shall submit it to DBM. The list of PAPs to be enrolled under the SDG PCB shall then undergo the same budget review and process of the DBM, and be subject to existing budgeting and accounting laws, rules, and regulations as non-PCB PAPs. Each proposed PAP shall be reviewed against the criteria stated in the annual Budget Call and the Budget Priorities Framework (BPF). The release of funds for the qualified PAPs shall follow the annual National Budget Circular issued on the matter.
There is no ceiling on project costs.
You may request for the directory from Stakeholders’ Chamber’s Secretariat at sdg-stakeholder@neda.gov.ph.
It will be part of the agency’s allocation under the 2025 GAA. This is because the earmarked funds are part of the common pool and is not a special fund.
Based on the DOF Certified Projections as reflected in the DBM Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF), the projected earmarked funds for the SDGs for FY 2025 is 16.8 billion. This will be updated once NEDA receives the certification of actual earmarked funds from the DOF.