The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) is monitored and reported yearly through the Socioeconomic Report (SER). The report presents the accomplishments of the PDP outputs and outcomes and recommends policy directions and moving forward. It provides an overall assessment of the achievement of different sector outcomes and an avenue to assess bottlenecks and gaps in the achievement of the sector outcomes. Further, it also serves as a tool to regularly monitor the accompanying documents of the PDP Results Matrix (RM) and the Public Investment Program (PIP) 2017-2022.
The PIP contains the rolling list of priority programs and projects to be implemented by the national government, government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions, and other government instrumentalities within the medium-term (or the plan period from 2017 to 2022). These programs contribute to the achievement of the societal goal and targets in the PDP and are responsive to the outcomes and outputs in the PDP RM. As of April 20, 2018, 68 indicators (with one indicator reflected in two chapters) out of the 155 initial lists of indicators, monitored by the Philippines, are already reflected in the PDP and the RM. The remaining indicators will be reflected in the subsequent sectoral plans.

To support the monitoring of the SDGs and the PDP, the NEDA introduced the SDG Annex in the formulation of the 2018 Socioeconomic Report. Since the PDP is the de facto implementation mechanism of the SDGs and the PDP is assessed through the SER, each chapter of the PDP and SER shall be used as a platform to assess the contributions and consistency of the Philippines’ actions with the global commitments of the SDGs. The SDG Annex of the SER aims to identify the Philippine policies, programs, activities, and projects (PPAPs) that are implemented to meet our SDG targets.
- Identify the PPAPs that contribute to the attainment of the SDGs;
- Support the alignment of the chapters of the PDP with the SDGs and identify the relevant initiatives per sector;
- Identify the SDG targets where there is no specific intervention designed towards its attainment and propose a corresponding PPAP; and
- Ascertain that the 2030 targets are continually provided interventions until 2030 through the inclusion of the SDG Annex in the future editions of the PDP and the SER.