Resettlement Program
Resettlement Program (RP)
This program involves the acquisition and development of large tracts of raw land to generate serviced lots and/or housing units for families displaced from sites earmarked for government infrastructure projects and those occupying danger areas such as waterways, esteros and railroad tracks. The RP is undertaken by the National Housing Authority (NHA) as the sole government agency responsible for housing production.
Targeting Informal Settler Families (ISFs), the NHA implements the RP through different modalities classified as either by method or by location. Under the by method modality are three approaches: (i) Completed Housing Resettlement Projects or Developer-Constructed projects; (ii) Home Material Loan Project or Incremental Housing Project; (iii) the Local Government Unit (LGU)-NHA joint venture scheme or RAP-LGU. Meanwhile, by location RP is classified as either: (i) In-City wherein the resettlement site is within the same LGU, or (ii) Off-City where settlements are located outside the administrative boundaries of the LGU. In addition, resettlement by location may involve either completed housing or incremental housing strategies or both.
A recent initiative under the RP is the five-year (2011-2016) 50 billion Oplan Likas (Lumikas para Iwas Kalamidad At Sakit) housing program for the relocation of around 104,000 ISFs residing along danger areas in Metro Manila.
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