The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) is the blueprint of the government where priorities of the political leadership are translated into policy and strategy framework and, then, into programs and projects. From policy to action, the PDP reflects all of the 17 SDGs. The integration of the SDGs in the PDP is essential, as this document serves as a guide to the national budget planning and appropriations (which goes through Congressional Budget Hearings). It is worth noting that actions taken to achieve the SDGs should be viewed as complementary, if not concurrent, activity with the implementation of the PDP.

Updated PDP 2017-2022
This report remains anchored on the government’s zero to ten-point socioeconomic agenda and geared towards the achievement of our long-term vision (the AmBisyon Natin 2040) of a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay para sa lahat.
In addition, the Updated PDP responds to the emergence of new threats to the country’s growth prospects and guides the transition towards economic recovery.