The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), as mandated by the Philippine Constitution, is the government’s independent socioeconomic planning body. NEDA’s beginning can be traced back to 1935, when the Commonwealth Act created the National Economic Council (NEC). The NEC had undergone various reconstitutions and integrations with other economic councils through Presidential Decree 107, which then established NEDA.
It was reorganized on July 22, 1987 in accordance with Executive Order No. 230 to enhance its ability to coordinate the development planning and policy formulation process.

The NEDA Secretariat, headed by the Socioeconomic Planning Secretary, is regarded as the authority in macroeconomic forecasting, and policy analysis and research. It provides high-level policy advice to the Executive and Legislative branches of government.
It is tasked to:

Coordinate activities such as the formulation of policies, plans, and programs to efficiently set the broad parameters for national and sub-national (area-wide, regional, and local) development;

Review, monitor, and evaluate infrastructure projects identified under the Comprehensive and Integrated Infrastructure Program consistent with the government’s thrust of increasing investment spending for the growing demand on quality infrastructure facilities; and

Undertake critical analyses of development issues and provide policy alternatives to decision-makers.