ADB Country Partnership Strategy, 2018-2023
ADB Country Partnership Strategy, 2018-2023
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) works with each developing member country to define a medium-term development strategy and operational program called a country partnership strategy (CPS). The CPS is aligned with the country’s development plan and poverty reduction goals, and its preparation is in sync with the country’s development planning cycle. The CPS will be implemented through the country operations business plan which details the three-year rolling pipelines and the resources needed to support them.
The CPS, 2018–2023 of the ADB for the Philippines will support policy reforms, institutional capacity development, and financing investments that promote high and inclusive growth. ADB operations in the Philippines rest on three strategic pillars: (i) accelerating infrastructure and long-term investments, (ii) promoting local economic development, and (iii) investing in people. The CPS lays out a program of priority activities to support each of these pillars and promotes rebalancing ADB financing toward infrastructure projects in support of the government’s Build, Build, Build (BBB) infrastructure program. ADB will seek to strengthen the links between sovereign and nonsovereign programs to promote innovative approaches to long-term financing for infrastructure, social investments, and disaster risk management (DRM)
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